- ARTICLE I - Name
- ARTICLE III - Purposes
- ARTICLE IV - Jurisdiction
- ARTICLE V - Membership
- ARTICLE VII - Organization
- ARTICLE VIII - Officers
- ARTICLE IX - Duties of Officers
- ARTICLE X - Election of Officers
- ARTICLE XI - Governing Board
- ARTICLE XII - Executive Committee
- ARTICLE XIII - District Officers
- ARTICLE XIV - Race and Regatta Committee
- ARTICLE XV - Specifications Committee
- ARTICLE XVI - General Meeting of Members
- ARTICLE XVII - Amendment of Constitution & By-Laws
- ARTICLE XIX - Subjects Not Otherwise Covered
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- Revision History
This body of sailors and other interested persons shall be named the UNITED STATES ALBACORE ASSOCIATION hereinafter called the Association of the U.S.A.A.
- The emblem shall be the linked letter A and L as described in the class rules. The colour shall contrast sharply with the sails.
- The class seal is a light blue oval with the dark blue class emblem superimposed over a stylized Albacore with a golden hull, white sails and black outline. The words "United States Albacore Association" surrounded be gold braid encircle the Albacore. The seal is reproduced on the cover of the class rules.
- Neither the class emblem nor the class seal may be reproduced with out the approval of the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE III - Purposes
- To provide a national authority to govern the affairs of the Albacore Class in the United States and to represent the owners of the Albacore before local, national or international sailing authorities as may be necessary or desirable.
- To maintain and enforce the Constitution, By-Laws and Class Rules in order to preserve the Albacore as a restricted one design class of sailboat.
- To encourage the building and adequate supply in the United States of quality Albacore at reasonable prices.
- To sponsor and provide fore regattas and competitive sailing of Albacores in the United States.
- To bring together sailors or together persons interest in the United States Albacore Association.
- To take any other actions as shall be in the best interest of the members of the Association and owners of t he Albacore in the United States.
ARTICLE IV - Jurisdiction
The U.S.A.A. has jurisdiction over all organized Albacore activity in the United States. Its Class Rules govern all open regattas regardless of by whom they are held. Its Constitution, By-Laws, Rulings and Specifications are binding upon all members and fleets, and all registered Albacore must conform to the class official plans and specifications.
ARTICLE V - Membership
Membership in the U.S.A.A. shall be open to all persons interested in promoting the purposes of the Association, subject to the conditions set below.
- An HONORARY MEMBER shall be elected by a three-fourths vote of the members present at any annual meeting. An Honorary Member shale be entitled to all the privileges of membership without payment of fees, but shall not be entitled to hold office unless also qualified as a Member by owning an Albacore.
- A MEMBER must be an owner or co-owner of an Albacore, but only one co-owner may vote in respect of a single boat. A former owner will be considered an Associate Member during the remainder of the in which he has paid dues. A Member is entitled to hold office in the U.S.A.A., vote Association matters, and skipper an Albacore in all open regattas. Whenever possible a Member should belong to the Fleet in the area where he normally sails. Members may join the Association either through their fleet or directly.
- Immediate members of a family (of which there is at least one Member) may skipper an Albacore without payment of an additional fee. Immediate members of a family are either spouse and their children who have not reached twenty-one years of age by the first of the year.
- An ASSOCIATE MEMBER may be a former member who has sold his boat during the year, a co-owner who either (i) skippers regularly, (ii) crews, (iii) or is otherwise interested in the welfare of the class. An Associate Member shall not vote or hold office, but shall otherwise be entitled to participate in Association activities.
- A CLUB MEMBER may be a Club, Affiliated Club, Camp or organization that owns or operates Albacore. A Club Member shall have one vote for each five Albacore which it owns or operates. Members of these organizations should join the Association directly as Members or Associate Members in order to participate in Association activities.
Any club which has a Chartered Albacore Fleet shall be an Affiliated Club and such a club may become an Affiliated Club whether or not the club accepts other classes of sailboats or powerboats.
The dues of the Association shall be as stated in the By-Laws of the Association. Fleet dues, if any, shall be fixed by each fleet.
ARTICLE VII - Organization
The U.S.A.A. is organized around chartered fleets and independent members which are grouped into districts.
A. Fleets
- The owners of any three or more Albacore who sail in the same waters or reside in a locality may apply to the Association for a Fleet Charter and may be granted the same, provided at least two-thirds of the members of the Fleet are members of the Association in good standing.
- Application for a Fleet Charter may be made in the manner and shall be granted on the terms prescribed in the By-Laws, or in the absence of direction in the By-Laws, as the Governing Board shall form time to time direct.
- The Fleet Charter may be revoked at any time by the Governing Board for failure to maintain a minimum number of boats, or for sufficient cause, in which case the revocation shall remain in effect subject to being ratified by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at an annual meeting or general meeting, notice having been given of the intention to vote on the revocation.
- The Fleet shall be self governing in all local matters including the power to elect officers and govern local races within the framework of the Association's Constitution, By-Laws and racing rules. The Fleet shall elect a Fleet Captain, and Fleet Secretary who shall be members in good standing of the U.S.A.A. as a condition of holding office. A Fleet Measurer may be appointed to work under the direction of the U.S.A.A. Chief Measurer.
- In the case of any conflict between an action taken or intended by a Fleet and the Constitution, By-Laws and Rulings of the U.S.A.A. a decision of the Governing Board shall prevail.
B. Districts
- Areas containing geographically related fleets will be designated as Districts by the Executive Committee and will contain Fleets constituted by the U.S.A.A. or any other recognized Albacore Association.
- Each District shall elect its own officers, who shall be members of one of the Associations, in the manner prescribed by the By-Laws, or failing any direction in the By-Laws, as the officers of the fleets shall decide.
- In determining the Districts the Governing Board shall have regard to the size of the District, the number of Fleets and the racing and other relationships both present and future of the Fleets.
- The officers of the Association shall consist of Past President, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The President shall appoint the Specifications Committee Chairman and together with the elected officers they shall constitute the Executive Committee.
- The President shall also appoint the Chief Measurer and editors of Association publications.
- The Executive Committee may appoint an Executive Secretary and/or Assistant Treasurer to assist with the business matters of the Association. Such positions may be salaried.
- The Executive Committee plus one officer from each district shall constitute the Governing Board.
ARTICLE IX - Duties of Officers
- The duties of the President shall be to preside at the annual meetings and other meetings of the Association and generally perform the duties of chairman or president of an association. He shall be an ex-facto member of all committees.
- The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence. He shall serve as chairman of the Race and Regatta Committee. In this capacity he shall supervise the National Championships and appoint the National Championship Regatta Chairman.
- The Secretary shall have charge of the papers and records of the U.S.A.A. He shall record the minutes of the meetings of the meetings of the Association, Governing Board and Executive Committee in the minute book of the Association, shall give notices, shall sign all papers and documents required for the purposes of the U.S.A.A.
- The Treasurer shall have charge of all of the books of the Association and he shall also collect and receive all monies due or payable to the U.S.A.A. and shall deposit the same into an acceptable bank and trust company to the credit of the Association. He shall make all payments for the purposes of the Association out of such funds. He shall keep the necessary books of account for the purposes of the Association. He shall prepare and submit for approval annual financial statements to the members. Such statement shall be printed in the class newsletter.
ARTICLE X - Election of Officers
- The Executive Committee may appoint a nominating committee or may propose a slate of officers if it sees fit.
- The elections shall take place once a year at the Annual General Meeting at which there shall be nominated and elected by a majority of the member present in person or by proxy a President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer. All officers so elected shall hold office beginning January 1 of the year following for a period of one year. All officers may be reelected.
ARTICLE XI - Governing Board
The Governing Board shall interpret the Constitution and By-Laws, shall conduct all business and determine policy of the Association, and shall serve as the last court of appeal in disputes over constitutional rights. The Governing Board has the power to enforce its decision by suspension of entire fleets or individual members. Its rulings shall be binding and final. The Governing Board may amend the By-Laws, but not the Constitution. The Governing Board shall approve Rules Governing Albacore Regattas prepared by the Race and Regatta Committee. If not otherwise stated,, majority vote shall decide all issues.
ARTICLE XII - Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is a subcommittee of the Governing Board, empowered to act in the name of the Governing Board in matters requiring prompt action and personal discussion. The President shall serve as Chairman.
ARTICLE XIII - District Officers
The District Officers of the Association shall have the following duties:
- coordinate class activity in the district
- promote communications within the district and with the U.S.A.A.
- work with the district representative on the Race and Regatta Committee on scheduling and sanctioning regattas in the district
- provide council and guidance to fleet captains in the district
- supervise the district championship
- enforce executive rulings of the Governing Board and the Executive Committee
- interpret the Class specifications, measurement and racing rules.
ARTICLE XIV - Race and Regatta Committee
- The Vice President shall serve as the Race and Regatta Committee Chairman. The remainder of the Committee shall be appointed by the Vice President in consultation with each District Officer. Each District shall have a minimum of one member on the Committee.
- The Committee shall be responsible for preparing rules governing Association regattas which it shall submit to the Governing Board for approval. The Committee will annually review these rules and forward any recommendations for change to the Governing Board. The basic rules and any subsequent amendments shall be published in the Association newsletter.
- The Committee is responsible for the preparation of the annual calendar of regattas. It shall endeavour to arrange the calendar with a minimum of conflicts and all Districts and Fleets shall cooperate in eliminating conflicts. The sponsoring authority for each regatta listed in the official calendar agrees to conduct the regatta in accordance with the Association rules and standards. Wherever possible the sponsoring authority or the home fleet should supply the Chairman of the Committee with the race results or other pertinent information.
- There shall be an annual competition knows as the United States Albacore Championship Regatta which shall rotate among the Districts.
- The Committee shall have full charge and supervision of the Annual Regatta following the standards approved by the Governing Board. All arrangements in connection with the Regatta and in particular with respect to water safety shall be the responsibility of the Committee. A local chairman may be appointed by the Race and Regatta Committee Chairman.
- The Racing Rules of the International Yacht Racing Union as adopted by the North American Yacht Racing and as modified by the United States Albacore Association shall be binding and shall govern racing at the Annual Championship and all disputes or protests arising during such racing shall be dealt with in accordance therewith and shall be referred to a protest committee.
- The National Championship Regatta and other events sponsored by the Association or supported by the USAA shall only be open to skippers who are members of the Association, Associate member, or have been approved by a member of the Executive or Race and Regatta Committee. The intent of this paragraph is to require at open events that all skippers be members in good standing.
ARTICLE XV - Specifications Committee
- There shall be a Specifications Committee of not less than three or more than five members, the Chairman of which shall be appointed by the President and the members thereof by the President upon recommendation of the Chairman. The Specifications Committee shall be charged with such duties relative to the maintenance of the administration of the standard specifications and the administration of the Class Rules as by By-Law, or resolution of the Governing Board or Executive Committee the by may be given.
- The Specifications Committee shall have the sole and exclusive jurisdiction to determine whether or not any Albacore entered by a member conforms to the specifications set out in By-Law number 7 containing the Class Rules, and refuse any entry not so conforming.
ARTICLE XVI - General Meeting of Members
- General meetings of the members shall be held at such time and place as the President and Secretary shall determine and shall be called by a notice signed by the Secretary specifying the time and place of such meeting and the principle business matters to be transacted thereat, and such notice shall be mailed by ordinary post to all members at their last known address at least thirty days prior to the date of such meeting.
- There shall be at least one general meeting of the membership each year which shall be held during the National Championship and which shall be know as the Annual General Meeting.
- The quorum for the transaction of business at any general meeting of the members shall be consist of at least ten members present in person.
- Members may give their proxies to the other members to vote for them at any general meeting.
- By a two-thirds majority vote of the members present in person and by proxy at any general meeting of the Association, the members, the members may enact By-Laws for the government of the affairs of the Association, provided that such notice of proposed By-laws shall have been mailed to member at least thirty days prior to the date of the general meeting at which such By-Laws are to be considered.
- A general meeting of the Association shall not be competent to deal with any matter of which due to notice shall not have been given in the notice calling such meeting.
ARTICLE XVII - Amendment of Constitution & By-Laws
- This Constitution and any By-Laws may be amended at any general meeting of the thirty days prior to the date of the general meeting at which such amendments will be considered.
- The Governing Board may amend the By-Laws between Annual Meetings subject to review at the next Annual General Meeting.
- Any officer or member of the Association my be removed or expelled by a two-thirds vote of the Governing Board, for good reason, after having been given notice of the meeting to be held for the purpose of considering the removal or expulsion of such officer or member, which notice shall specify the object of the meeting and provided at such meeting such officer or member shall be given full opportunity to be presented and to be heard.
- This Constitution and any By-Law and any amendments duly made thereto shall be binding up on the Association, its officers, committees, and members.
ARTICLE XIX - Subjects Not Otherwise Covered
Rules, however complete, cannot anticipate every possible situation. If a subject is not covered in the Constitution and By-Laws, or by the dictates of common sense, a ruling to cover the subject must be obtained from the Governing Board.
Applications for membership shall be in such form as the Executive Committee shall from time to time by resolution determine.
No. 2 - FEES
United States Albacore Association fees shall be:
- For Members - Before March 31: $30, After March 31: $35
- For Associate Members - After March 31: $20, After March 31: $25
Provided that the Executive Committee may, in its direction, reduce the fee for the first year of membership in order to encourage full membership.
The failure to pay a prescribed fee shall, ipso facto, cancel all of the rights and privileges in respect of which such fee shall have been required.
The Association shall maintain a registry of Albacore sailboats owned in the United States which registry shall be kept in the office of the Association and shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times by any member of the Association or by any other person approved by the President and the Secretary.
The office of the Association shall be maintained in the city or county of the residence of the President of the Association with the premises selected by the Executive Committee.
The fiscal year of the Association shall end on December 31st in each calendar year.
(as written)
- Fleets
- Any owner or co-owner of an Albacore, whether or not the owner's boat has a valid Measurement Certificate, may become a Member of a Chartered Fleet. The members of a Fleet may, by a majority vote at a meeting duly called for the purpose, accept or reject any application for membership in that Fleet.
- Each Chartered Fleet shall have at least one meeting of its members each year, preferable following the Annual Meeting of the Association and not later than February 1st each year, at which the Fleet Officers shall be elected. Results of the election of Fleet Officers shall be filed with the Association within two weeks of the election. Similar notification shall be given of any change of Officers.
- Each Chartered Fleet shall file a yearly report with the Association not later than December 1st each year. The form and content of the report shall be in the form specified by the Executive Committee and the report of the Fleet shall be taken as evidence of Fleet Membership by the Association, provided that the Executive Committee may permit an alternative filing date at its discretion.
- Districts
- The Area comprising Districts shall be fixed by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Fleet Officers and may be changed from time to time by the Executive Committee upon giving thirty days' notice to the Fleets affected.
- A District Captain and District Secretary shall be elected every two years at a meeting of the Fleet Officers duly called for the purpose. Vacancies may be filled by the Fleet Officers in the same manner as the election of District Officers and failing this may be appointed by the Executive Committee. Fleet Officers may cast votes on behalf of their Fleet as follows:
Number of Association Members in Fleet:- Fifteen or less: One Vote
- More than Fifteen: Two Votes
Upon election the District Officers shall hold office until their successors are duly elected.
- The District Secretary may certify as to the membership of the Fleets for the purpose of the election of District Officers.
Revision History
October 2001
- Revised Dues - United States Albacore Association fees shall be:
- For Members Before March 31: $30, After March 31: $35
- For Associate Members Before March 31: $20, After March 31: $25